My Story
"Man is made, or unmade by himself." - James Allen
To me, that means we must have the courage to take complete responsibility for our lives. We must embrace that life is hard, its unfair, and bad shit is going to happen, but suffering is a choice.
I believe personal excellence and having unreasonable standards for yourself are the only thing that will allow you to bridge the gap from where you are to where you truly desire to be.
And I created this podcast to help you bridge that gap.
I believe intentionally creating the live we want to live is the most important thing we will ever do.
The challenge is, it’s easy to get discouraged, frustrated, and feel defeated when we are not where we want to be… and feel like we may never get there.
I know this first hand because self-doubt, limiting beliefs, insecurities, and the feelings of worthlessness have haunted me my entire life, and the only cure I’ve ever found is committing to a standard of excellence, and having the discipline to hold myself accountable and follow through.
It’s cliche, and may even sound like complete bullshit, but it’s the fucking truth.
I’ve come to believe the only thing that will truly make us feel whole is the pursuit of our own personal excellence. To rise in honor of our creator as we strive to become the very best we can be so that we can lead by example, and let our actions inspire those around us.
My mission is to inspire a culture of excellence, to share ideas, strategies, and insights that aid in your pursuit and build a powerful community that is committed to being the best we can be so that we can all be a bright light and a force for good in the world.
If any of this resonates with you, join our conversation, share the message and together we will become the very best version of ourselves so that we can give our best to the world.